Thursday, November 19, 2009

We are Brothers

I just wanted to share this photo of these two cuties with you. Look how adorable and lovable my two little boys look. I took this picture early morning when we were visiting my family in Massachussetts about a year ago, as they soundly slept. It's not often that these two are this loving towards one another so I just absolutely treasure this photo. As they often do, they were having an argument today about who gets the last two graham crackers. Of course, mommy stepped in and made them share. My youngest replies ' I hate sharing, sharing is boring'. They get on each other's nerves because they are always together, but they love each other so much. I hope that they remain close as they get older. Maybe not as close as they are in the picture, but close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg how freakin cute is this!!! Love it!