Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I cannot believe that I have two children in school. Elijah is in preschool and Judah in first grade. Our mornings are a little crazy, getting them ready to go off and when they leave, it's just three of us. Kyree is only 3 months, so she has MANY naps. Then I find myself having time to do things I didn't have time to do before. By lunch time, I must admit that I miss them, and all the super heroes running through the house! When Elijah gets home (he gets out earlier) I ask him what he did all day. He responds, "I ate lunch." Judah, on the other hand, has a full schedule of "school adventures" and he makes sure we hear them all. My baby Kyree, well, we are definately having more moments to bond. The hubby and I are having complete conversations with limited interuptions! It reminds me of old times...and we are enjoying it! I am so happy that my boys are growing up and becoming more independent (scary sometimes), and it lets me appreciate the moments that we are all together as a family. Change is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish this had a 'like' button to click on b/c if it did, i would click it!!! See y'all soon!!